Development through teamwork
Welba’s development department has three priorities:
- development of Welba’s standard products
- specific developments to meet customers’ needs
- development work for other manufacturers of electronic control systems

A team is set up for each development task (analog or digital technology). The special requirements are discussed together, and specifications are drawn up as a basis for the subsequent teamwork. Modern systems, equipment and procedures are available for design and layout and for developing and testing prototypes until they are ready for series production.
Perfect and rationalised production processes
Production as a whole is perfectly organised at a high technological level. It starts with the manufacture of the printed circuit board, based on self-designed layouts. The completely “in-house“ system makes for rapid availability and maximum flexibility. It also keeps costs down.
Welba circuit boards are manufactured in our own production department. They are assembled and soldered using modern technology. The entire process is subject to strict quality control.

Strict final quality control
Every individual device undergoes a final visual inspection as well as mechanical and electronic testing.
Measuring and regulating devices are reconciled with the appropriate sensors, and the tolerance of the programmed parameters is checked.
The goal of manufacturing top-quality products ready for installation is achieved in every case.
Housing development and manufacturing
see "Housing development"

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